swfml basic profile

by Daniel Fischer <dan[at]subsignal.org>

Table of Contents

About this Document
Example entry
Basic Types


This is the reference to the swfml basic profile XML dialect. swfmill can convert from binary SWF to and from this dialect. It is very closely modeled after the SWF file format, which means that you can produce all kinds of illegal SWFs with it, so be careful.

About this Document

This reference lists all types, tags and actions available in swfml basic. It is organized into chapters, first listing basic types, then Tags and Actions. All tables are in alphabetical order. The difference of internal and basic types should be irrelevant to the swfml user.

Example entry

Let's look at the Import tag as an example. It's entry looks like this:
Tag Name ID Attributes
Import 0x39 url (string)
symbols (List of Symbols)

This tells us that there is a swfml tag called "Import" which has two parameters: url and symbols. You can safely ignore the ID, it is given for reference purposes only. Note, though, that "Symbol" is a link to a type definition, which looks like this:
Type Name Attributes
Symbol objectID (word)
name (string)

We now have enough information to construct an Import tag, it could look like this:

<Import url="http://foo.com/mylibrary.swf">
    <Symbol objectID="1" name="myFoo"/>
    <Symbol objectID="2" name="myBar"/>

Note that, while primitive types like string must be given as Attributes, Lists and Object parameters become Child Elements of our tag instance.

Basic Types

Type Name Attributes
Button hitTest (bit)
down (bit)
over (bit)
up (bit)
Color red (byte)
green (byte)
blue (byte)
Condition next (word)
key (integer)
menuLeave (bit)
menuEnter (bit)
pointerReleaseOutside (bit)
pointerDragEnter (bit)
pointerDragLeave (bit)
pointerReleaseInside (bit)
pointerPush (bit)
pointerLeave (bit)
pointerEnter (bit)
actions (List of Actions)
CurveTo x1 (integer)
y1 (integer)
x2 (integer)
y2 (integer)
Event flags1 (word)
GlyphShape edges (List of ShapeItems)
GradientItem position (byte)
color (Object of type Color)
Header size (Object of type Rectangle)
framerate (integer)
frames (word)
tags (List of Tags)
Kerning a (byte)
b (byte)
adjustment (integer)
LineStyle width (word)
color (Object of type Color)
Parameter reg (byte)
name (string)
Rectangle left (integer)
right (integer)
top (integer)
bottom (integer)
Shape edges (List of ShapeItems)
Short value (word)
String value (string)
StyleList fillStyles (List of Styles)
lineStyles (List of LineStyles)
Symbol objectID (word)
name (string)
TextEntry glyph (integer)
advance (integer)
Transform transX (integer)
transY (integer)
UChar value (byte)
ULong value (integer)
UShort value (word)
WideKerning a (word)
b (word)
adjustment (word)


Tag Name ID Attributes
DefineBits 0x06 objectID (word)
data (Object of type Rest)
DefineBitsJPEG2 0x15 objectID (word)
data (Object of type Rest)
DefineBitsJPEG3 0x23 objectID (word)
offset_to_alpha (uint32)
data (Object of type Rest)
DefineBitsLossless 0x14 objectID (word)
format (byte)
width (word)
height (word)
data (Object of type Rest)
DefineBitsLossless2 0x24 objectID (word)
format (byte)
width (word)
height (word)
data (Object of type Rest)
DefineButton2 0x22 objectID (word)
menu (bit)
buttonsSize (word)
buttons (List of Buttons)
conditions (List of Conditions)
DefineEditText 0x25 objectID (word)
size (Object of type Rectangle)
wordWrap (bit)
multiLine (bit)
password (bit)
readOnly (bit)
autoSize (bit)
hasLayout (bit)
notSelectable (bit)
hasBorder (bit)
isHTML (bit)
useOutlines (bit)
variableName (string)
DefineFont 0x0A objectID (word)
data (Object of type Rest)
DefineFont2 0x30 objectID (word)
isShiftJIS (bit)
isUnicode (bit)
isANSII (bit)
wideGlyphOffsets (bit)
italic (bit)
bold (bit)
language (byte)
name (string)
glyphs (Object of type GlyphList)
DefineFontInfo 0x0D objectID (word)
smallTextOrUnicode (bit)
isShiftJIS (bit)
isANSII (bit)
isItalic (bit)
isBold (bit)
isWide (bit)
map (Object of type Rest)
DefineFontInfo2 0x3E objectID (word)
smallTextOrUnicode (bit)
isShiftJIS (bit)
isANSII (bit)
isItalic (bit)
isBold (bit)
isWide (bit)
map (Object of type Rest)
DefineMorphShape 0x2E objectID (word)
data (Object of type Rest)
DefineShape 0x02 objectID (word)
bounds (Object of type Rectangle)
styles (Object of type StyleList)
shapes (Object of type Shape)
DefineShape2 0x16 objectID (word)
bounds (Object of type Rectangle)
styles (Object of type StyleList)
shapes (Object of type Shape)
DefineShape3 0x20 objectID (word)
bounds (Object of type Rectangle)
styles (Object of type StyleList)
shapes (Object of type Shape)
DefineSound 0x0E objectID (word)
format (integer)
rate (integer)
is16bit (bit)
stereo (bit)
samples (uint32)
data (Object of type Rest)
DefineSprite 0x27 objectID (word)
frames (word)
tags (List of Tags)
DefineText 0x0B objectID (word)
bounds (Object of type Rectangle)
transform (Object of type Transform)
records (List of TextRecords)
DefineVideoStream 0x3C objectID (word)
frames (word)
width (word)
height (word)
deblocking (integer)
smoothing (bit)
codec (byte)
DoAction 0x0C actions (List of Actions)
DoInitAction 0x3B sprite (word)
actions (List of Actions)
End 0x00
Export 0x38 symbols (List of Symbols)
FrameLabel 0x2B label (string)
flags (Object of type Rest)
Import 0x39 url (string)
symbols (List of Symbols)
PlaceObject2 0x1A replace (bit)
depth (word)
RemoveObject 0x05 objectID (word)
depth (word)
RemoveObject2 0x1C depth (word)
ScriptLimits 0x41 maxRecursionDepth (word)
timeout (word)
SetBackgroundColor 0x09 color (Object of type Color)
SetTabIndex 0x42 depth (word)
tabIndex (word)
ShowFrame 0x01
SoundStreamBlock 0x13 data (data)
SoundStreamHead 0x12 playbackRate (integer)
playbackSize (bit)
playbackStereo (bit)
compression (integer)
soundRate (integer)
soundSize (bit)
soundStereo (bit)
sampleSize (word)
SoundStreamHead2 0x2D playbackRate (integer)
playbackSize (bit)
playbackStereo (bit)
compression (integer)
soundRate (integer)
soundSize (bit)
soundStereo (bit)
sampleSize (word)
StartSound 0x0F objectID (word)
stopPlayback (bit)
noMultiple (bit)
hasEnvelope (bit)
hasLoop (bit)
hasOutPoint (bit)
hasInPoint (bit)
UnknownTag -1 data (data)
VideoFrame 0x3D objectID (word)
frame (word)
data (Object of type Rest)


Action Name ID Attributes
AND 0x60
AddCast 0x0A
AddTyped 0x47
BranchAlways 0x99 byteOffset (word)
BranchIfTrue 0x9D byteOffset (word)
CHR 0x33
CallFrame 0x9E
CallFunction 0x3D
CallMethod 0x52
CastObject 0x2B
ConcatenateString 0x21
DeclareArray 0x42
DeclareFunction 0x9B name (string)
argc (word)
args (List of Strings)
length (word)
DeclareFunction2 0x8E name (string)
argc (word)
regc (byte)
preloadThis (bit)
suppressThis (bit)
preloadArguments (bit)
suppressArguments (bit)
preloadSuper (bit)
suppressSuper (bit)
preloadRoot (bit)
preloadParent (bit)
preloadGlobal (bit)
reserved (integer)
args (List of Parameters)
actions (List of Actions)
DeclareLocalVariable 0x41
DeclareObject 0x43
Decrement 0x51
DefineNumber 0x4A
DefineString 0x4B
Delete 0x3A
DeleteAll 0x3B
Dictionary 0x88 strings (List of Strings)
Divide 0x0D
Duplicate 0x4C
DuplicateSprite 0x24
EndAction 0x00
Enumerate 0x46
EnumerateObject 0x55
EqualCast 0x0E
EqualTyped 0x49
Extends 0x69
GetMember 0x4E
GetProperty 0x22
GetTarget 0x45
GetTimer 0x34
GetURL 0x83 url (string)
target (string)
GetURL2 0x9A method (byte)
GetVariable 0x1C
GotoExpression 0x9F play (byte)
GotoFrame 0x81 frame (word)
GotoLabel 0x8C label (string)
GreaterThanTyped 0x67
Implements 0x2C
Increment 0x50
InstanceOf 0x54
IntegralPart 0x18
LessThanCast 0x0F
LessThanTyped 0x48
LogicalAND 0x10
LogicalNOT 0x12
LogicalOR 0x11
Modulo 0x3F
Mulitply 0x0C
MultibyteCHR 0x37
MultibyteORD 0x36
MultibyteStringLength 0x31
MultibyteSubString 0x35
New 0x40
NewMethod 0x53
NextFrame 0x04
OR 0x61
ORD 0x32
Play 0x06
Pop 0x17
PreviousFrame 0x05
PushData 0x96 items (List of StackItems)
Random 0x30
RemoveSprite 0x25
Return 0x3E
SetLocalVariable 0x3C
SetMember 0x4F
SetProperty 0x23
SetTarget 0x8B label (string)
SetTargetDynamic 0x20
SetVariable 0x1D
ShiftLeft 0x63
ShiftRight 0x64
ShiftRightUnsigned 0x65
StartDrag 0x27
Stop 0x07
StopDrag 0x28
StopSound 0x09
StoreRegister 0x87 reg (byte)
StrictEqual 0x66
StringEqual 0x13
StringGreaterThan 0x68
StringLength 0x14
StringLessThan 0x29
SubString 0x15
Substract 0x0B
Swap 0x4D
Throw 0x2A
ToggleQuality 0x08
Trace 0x26
Try 0x8F doFinally (bit)
doCatch (bit)
trySize (word)
catchSize (word)
finallySize (word)
TypeOf 0x44
UnknownAction -1 data (data)
WaitForFrame 0x8A frame (word)
skip (byte)
WaitForFrameDynamic 0x8D frame (word)
skip (byte)
With 0x94 size (word)
XOR 0x62

Version: $Id: reference.xsl,v 1.1 2005/05/30 12:48:38 dan Exp $
Copyright 2005 Daniel Fischer
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the distribution in doc/licenses/fdl.txt, or can be obtained from http://www.fsf.org/licenses/fdl.html.
The author shall not be held responsible for content of other websites linked from here.