This is the reference to the swfml basic profile XML dialect. swfmill can convert from binary SWF to and from this dialect. It is very closely modeled after the SWF file format, which means that you can produce all kinds of illegal SWFs with it, so be careful.
This reference lists all types, tags and actions available in swfml basic. It is organized into chapters, first listing basic types, then Tags and Actions. All tables are in alphabetical order. The difference of internal and basic types should be irrelevant to the swfml user.
Let's look at the Import tag as an example. It's entry looks like this:
Tag Name | ID | Attributes |
Import | 0x39 |
url (string) symbols (List of Symbols) |
This tells us that there is a swfml tag called "Import" which has two parameters: url and symbols. You can safely ignore the ID, it is given for reference purposes only. Note, though, that "Symbol" is a link to a type definition, which looks like this:
Type Name | Attributes |
Symbol |
objectID (word) name (string) |
We now have enough information to construct an Import tag, it could look like this:
<Import url=""> <symbols> <Symbol objectID="1" name="myFoo"/> <Symbol objectID="2" name="myBar"/> </symbols> </Import>
Note that, while primitive types like string must be given as Attributes, Lists and Object parameters become Child Elements of our tag instance.
Type Name | Attributes |
Button | hitTest
down (bit) over (bit) up (bit) |
Color | red
green (byte) blue (byte) |
ColorTransform2 | |
Condition | next
key (integer) menuLeave (bit) menuEnter (bit) pointerReleaseOutside (bit) pointerDragEnter (bit) pointerDragLeave (bit) pointerReleaseInside (bit) pointerPush (bit) pointerLeave (bit) pointerEnter (bit) actions (List of Actions) |
CurveTo | x1
y1 (integer) x2 (integer) y2 (integer) |
Event | flags1
GlyphShape | edges
(List of
GradientItem | position
color (Object of type Color) |
Header | size
(Object of type
framerate (integer) frames (word) tags (List of Tags) |
Kerning | a
b (byte) adjustment (integer) |
LineStyle | width
color (Object of type Color) |
Parameter | reg
name (string) |
Rectangle | left
right (integer) top (integer) bottom (integer) |
Shape | edges
(List of
ShapeSetup | |
Short | value
String | value
StyleList | fillStyles
(List of
lineStyles (List of LineStyles) |
Symbol | objectID
name (string) |
TextEntry | glyph
advance (integer) |
TextRecord | |
TextRecord6 | |
TextRecord7 | |
Transform |
transY (integer) |
UChar | value
ULong | value
UShort | value
WideKerning | a
b (word) adjustment (word) |
Tag Name | ID | Attributes |
DefineBits | 0x06 | objectID
data (Object of type Rest) |
DefineBitsJPEG2 | 0x15 | objectID
data (Object of type Rest) |
DefineBitsJPEG3 | 0x23 | objectID
offset_to_alpha (uint32) data (Object of type Rest) |
DefineBitsLossless | 0x14 | objectID
format (byte) width (word) height (word) data (Object of type Rest) |
DefineBitsLossless2 | 0x24 | objectID
format (byte) width (word) height (word) data (Object of type Rest) |
DefineButton2 | 0x22 | objectID
menu (bit) buttonsSize (word) buttons (List of Buttons) conditions (List of Conditions) |
DefineEditText | 0x25 | objectID
size (Object of type Rectangle) wordWrap (bit) multiLine (bit) password (bit) readOnly (bit) autoSize (bit) hasLayout (bit) notSelectable (bit) hasBorder (bit) isHTML (bit) useOutlines (bit) variableName (string) |
DefineFont | 0x0A | objectID
data (Object of type Rest) |
DefineFont2 | 0x30 | objectID
isShiftJIS (bit) isUnicode (bit) isANSII (bit) wideGlyphOffsets (bit) italic (bit) bold (bit) language (byte) name (string) glyphs (Object of type GlyphList) |
DefineFontInfo | 0x0D | objectID
smallTextOrUnicode (bit) isShiftJIS (bit) isANSII (bit) isItalic (bit) isBold (bit) isWide (bit) map (Object of type Rest) |
DefineFontInfo2 | 0x3E | objectID
smallTextOrUnicode (bit) isShiftJIS (bit) isANSII (bit) isItalic (bit) isBold (bit) isWide (bit) map (Object of type Rest) |
DefineMorphShape | 0x2E | objectID
data (Object of type Rest) |
DefineShape | 0x02 | objectID
bounds (Object of type Rectangle) styles (Object of type StyleList) shapes (Object of type Shape) |
DefineShape2 | 0x16 | objectID
bounds (Object of type Rectangle) styles (Object of type StyleList) shapes (Object of type Shape) |
DefineShape3 | 0x20 | objectID
bounds (Object of type Rectangle) styles (Object of type StyleList) shapes (Object of type Shape) |
DefineSound | 0x0E | objectID
format (integer) rate (integer) is16bit (bit) stereo (bit) samples (uint32) data (Object of type Rest) |
DefineSprite | 0x27 | objectID
frames (word) tags (List of Tags) |
DefineText | 0x0B | objectID
bounds (Object of type Rectangle) transform (Object of type Transform) records (List of TextRecords) |
DefineVideoStream | 0x3C | objectID
frames (word) width (word) height (word) deblocking (integer) smoothing (bit) codec (byte) |
DoAction | 0x0C | actions
(List of
DoInitAction | 0x3B | sprite
actions (List of Actions) |
End | 0x00 | |
Export | 0x38 | symbols
(List of
FrameLabel | 0x2B | label
flags (Object of type Rest) |
Import | 0x39 | url
symbols (List of Symbols) |
PlaceObject2 | 0x1A | replace
depth (word) |
RemoveObject | 0x05 | objectID
depth (word) |
RemoveObject2 | 0x1C | depth
ScriptLimits | 0x41 | maxRecursionDepth
timeout (word) |
SetBackgroundColor | 0x09 | color
(Object of type
SetTabIndex | 0x42 | depth
tabIndex (word) |
ShowFrame | 0x01 | |
SoundStreamBlock | 0x13 | data
SoundStreamHead | 0x12 | playbackRate
playbackSize (bit) playbackStereo (bit) compression (integer) soundRate (integer) soundSize (bit) soundStereo (bit) sampleSize (word) |
SoundStreamHead2 | 0x2D | playbackRate
playbackSize (bit) playbackStereo (bit) compression (integer) soundRate (integer) soundSize (bit) soundStereo (bit) sampleSize (word) |
StartSound | 0x0F | objectID
stopPlayback (bit) noMultiple (bit) hasEnvelope (bit) hasLoop (bit) hasOutPoint (bit) hasInPoint (bit) |
UnknownTag | -1 | data
VideoFrame | 0x3D | objectID
frame (word) data (Object of type Rest) |
Action Name | ID | Attributes |
AND | 0x60 | |
AddCast | 0x0A | |
AddTyped | 0x47 | |
BranchAlways | 0x99 | byteOffset
BranchIfTrue | 0x9D | byteOffset
CHR | 0x33 | |
CallFrame | 0x9E | |
CallFunction | 0x3D | |
CallMethod | 0x52 | |
CastObject | 0x2B | |
ConcatenateString | 0x21 | |
DeclareArray | 0x42 | |
DeclareFunction | 0x9B | name
argc (word) args (List of Strings) length (word) |
DeclareFunction2 | 0x8E | name
argc (word) regc (byte) preloadThis (bit) suppressThis (bit) preloadArguments (bit) suppressArguments (bit) preloadSuper (bit) suppressSuper (bit) preloadRoot (bit) preloadParent (bit) preloadGlobal (bit) reserved (integer) args (List of Parameters) actions (List of Actions) |
DeclareLocalVariable | 0x41 | |
DeclareObject | 0x43 | |
Decrement | 0x51 | |
DefineNumber | 0x4A | |
DefineString | 0x4B | |
Delete | 0x3A | |
DeleteAll | 0x3B | |
Dictionary | 0x88 | strings
(List of
Divide | 0x0D | |
Duplicate | 0x4C | |
DuplicateSprite | 0x24 | |
EndAction | 0x00 | |
Enumerate | 0x46 | |
EnumerateObject | 0x55 | |
EqualCast | 0x0E | |
EqualTyped | 0x49 | |
Extends | 0x69 | |
GetMember | 0x4E | |
GetProperty | 0x22 | |
GetTarget | 0x45 | |
GetTimer | 0x34 | |
GetURL | 0x83 | url
target (string) |
GetURL2 | 0x9A | method
GetVariable | 0x1C | |
GotoExpression | 0x9F | play
GotoFrame | 0x81 | frame
GotoLabel | 0x8C | label
GreaterThanTyped | 0x67 | |
Implements | 0x2C | |
Increment | 0x50 | |
InstanceOf | 0x54 | |
IntegralPart | 0x18 | |
LessThanCast | 0x0F | |
LessThanTyped | 0x48 | |
LogicalAND | 0x10 | |
LogicalNOT | 0x12 | |
LogicalOR | 0x11 | |
Modulo | 0x3F | |
Mulitply | 0x0C | |
MultibyteCHR | 0x37 | |
MultibyteORD | 0x36 | |
MultibyteStringLength | 0x31 | |
MultibyteSubString | 0x35 | |
New | 0x40 | |
NewMethod | 0x53 | |
NextFrame | 0x04 | |
OR | 0x61 | |
ORD | 0x32 | |
Play | 0x06 | |
Pop | 0x17 | |
PreviousFrame | 0x05 | |
PushData | 0x96 | items
(List of
Random | 0x30 | |
RemoveSprite | 0x25 | |
Return | 0x3E | |
SetLocalVariable | 0x3C | |
SetMember | 0x4F | |
SetProperty | 0x23 | |
SetTarget | 0x8B | label
SetTargetDynamic | 0x20 | |
SetVariable | 0x1D | |
ShiftLeft | 0x63 | |
ShiftRight | 0x64 | |
ShiftRightUnsigned | 0x65 | |
StartDrag | 0x27 | |
Stop | 0x07 | |
StopDrag | 0x28 | |
StopSound | 0x09 | |
StoreRegister | 0x87 | reg
StrictEqual | 0x66 | |
StringEqual | 0x13 | |
StringGreaterThan | 0x68 | |
StringLength | 0x14 | |
StringLessThan | 0x29 | |
SubString | 0x15 | |
Substract | 0x0B | |
Swap | 0x4D | |
Throw | 0x2A | |
ToggleQuality | 0x08 | |
Trace | 0x26 | |
Try | 0x8F | doFinally
doCatch (bit) trySize (word) catchSize (word) finallySize (word) |
TypeOf | 0x44 | |
UnknownAction | -1 | data
WaitForFrame | 0x8A | frame
skip (byte) |
WaitForFrameDynamic | 0x8D | frame
skip (byte) |
With | 0x94 | size
XOR | 0x62 |